Writing For Social Media: WRIT/350 -Discussion Week 3
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
- Select a series of Tweets or microblogs that achieved an artistic or practical goal.
- Compose a response in which you describe the author, content, purpose, and impact of the series of messages.
- Do the messages each convey a meaningful and independent idea when viewed in isolation? Why or why not?
A long time ago, before I attended junior college in the Eighties, I had the desire to learn several foreign languages. Since I am still interested in foreign languages and cultures, I have found a series of tweets from the account Languages Around the Globe @languages_globe. Below are three images of tweets that I think have achieved the practical goal of inspiring people to learn other languages.
The first tweet discusses the benefits of leaning a second language beyond fluency. I have found a lot of benefits in studying languages that I do not speak fluently. For example, I have studied German, but since I have had little opportunity to practice speaking on a casual basis, I never achieved fluency in German. However, I do understand the lyrics to many traditional songs sung in German, and I enjoy listening to the songs. Thus, I agree that there are benefits to studying a foreign language beyond fluency.
The next tweet discussed the conjugation of the French verb, pouvoir, which means to be able. I am able to speak and understand more French than German, and I would have little problem using that verb in conversation. However, I did not recognize the infinitive form of the verb. So, I clicked the link and realized that pouvoir is the infinitive form of one of the most common verbs used in any language that I am familiar with. Since this tweet inspired me to click the link, this tweet achieved its goal.
The next tweet I noticed was about how to prepare and teach online classes. Since I inspire to learn how to teach so that I can teach what I learn, I clicked the link and bookmarked the page. Again, I find this tweet effectively achieved its goal.