• UOPX

    Social Cognitive Learning Theory and Online Communication: Psyche 405

    Online communication includes many opportunities in which web-based applications can be applied to learning and education. Albert Bandura developed the social cognitive theory, professing that people learn by observing another person’s behavior. (Feist, Feist, & Roberts, (2018). Julian Rotter proposed that behavior, and thus learning, is developed through the interaction of people with their environments (Feist, Feist, & Roberts, (2018)). Walter Mischel asserts the importance of cognitive factors like expectancies, subjective perceptions, goals and values as primary motivators to behavior. Whereas the three aforementioned theorists may have slightly different ideas regarding behavior and personality, they all focus on learning from social interactions. Since social media involves social interactions, the social…

  • UOPX

    Writing For Social Media: WRIT/350 -Discussion Week 5

    Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: What is a storyboard and how do you use one? Is a storyboard useful for media that does not include images? A storyboard is a visual guide that uses images and graphics to create a road map to follow while creating a video or graphic presentation. It is similar to an outline in that the guide can become a rough draft plan of operation. However, with a storyboard, you can visualize how a video will progress. Since videos contain other elements beyond a textual story, a specific plan of creating a video requires thought into the filming, the assets, actions,…

  • UOPX

    Writing For Social Media: WRIT/350 -Discussion Week 4

    Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Is the advice you find on wikis and Internet forums credible, helpful, and safe? Provide some examples to support your discussion. What changes do authors need to make to their typical writing styles when part of a wiki or an Internet forum? The credibility of advice and information coming from a wiki depends on the topic. For example, if someone searches for information relating to social or political policies, then the information would be more susceptible to subjective opinions not substantiated by actual evidence or reason. Since anyone can add ideas and opinions disguised as information and then create other…

  • UOPX

    Writing For Social Media: WRIT/350 -Discussion Week 3

    Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Select a series of Tweets or microblogs that achieved an artistic or practical goal. Compose a response in which you describe the author, content, purpose, and impact of the series of messages. Do the messages each convey a meaningful and independent idea when viewed in isolation? Why or why not? A long time ago, before I attended junior college in the Eighties, I had the desire to learn several foreign languages. Since I am still interested in foreign languages and cultures, I have found a series of tweets from the account Languages Around the Globe @languages_globe. Below are three images…

  • UOPX

    Writing For Social Media: WRIT/350 -Discussion Week 2

    Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Is a blog the best platform for process analysis content? Why might a company create “how to” content? To support your response to the questions above, select a process analysis blog post and process analysis video on the same topic. Was the blog more effective than the video? Why or why not? Whenever I need to learn how to do something, I first start searching for videos on YouTube. By seeing the process content while having the process explained helps to visualize the process. Also, in the comments section, information might be obtained through some other viewer’s comments. However, for…

  • UOPX

    Writing For Social Media: WRIT/350 -Discussion Week 2

    Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Is a blog the best platform for process analysis content? Why might a company create “how to” content? To support your response to the questions above, select a process analysis blog post and process analysis video on the same topic. Was the blog more effective than the video? Why or why not? Whenever I need to learn how to do something, I first start searching for videos on YouTube. By seeing the process content while having the process explained helps to visualize the process. Also, in the comments section, information might be obtained through some other viewer’s comments. However, for…

  • UOPX

    Theories Of Behavior: PSY/420 Week 2 -Discussion

    Discuss your answers to these questions with your classmates: What is an example of classical conditioning in your life? In your example, which elements are the unconditioned stimulus (US), unconditioned response (UR), conditioned stimulus (CS), and conditioned response (CR)? Why? How can you adapt your example to include higher order conditioning? My response to food is an example of classical conditioning. Whenever I feel hungry, I go get something to eat. Sometimes I go to fast food restaurants where all the menu items are displayed with pretty pictures. Sometimes, when I see a pretty picture of a food item that I have tried before, I start feeling the desire to…

  • UOPX

    Theories Of Behavior: PSY/420 – Discussion Week 5

    Discuss your answers to these questions with your classmates: How can you use the principles and theories of behavior that you learned in this class to enhance your life? How can you ensure that you are utilizing these principles and theories in your life? I have always pondered the question: Why am I who I am, and how did I get this way? After taking this course, I have a deeper understanding of the thoughts and feelings that reinforced by behavior. I believe that such insight will help me practice self-reinforcement (Russell A. Powell, P. Lynne Honey and Diane G. Symbaluk, (2017)). However, in order to develop a plan of…

  • UOPX

    Theories Of Behavior: PSY/420 – Discussion Week 4

    Discuss your answers to these questions with your classmates: What does research say about the use of spanking as punishment? With this research in mind, what is your opinion on the effectiveness of spanking as a form of punishment? After reviewing this research, would you use spanking as a form of punishment? Why or why not? What are some potential drawbacks to using spanking as a form of punishment? Much controversy exists regarding the effectiveness of spanking and corporal punishment. Whereas spanking may have some value with teaching children proper behavior, a lot of evidence suggests that there are other, more effective ways to teach children without punishing them. In…

  • UOPX

    Theories Of Behavior: PSY/420 – Social Anxiety Disorder

    Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is defined as intense anxiety of being in social situations. People with social phobia exhibit intense shyness although the difference between social phobia is significant (National Institute of Mental Health: Social Anxiety Disorder). This disorder can be observed through avoidant traits such as staying away from crowds and avoiding other human encounters like going to the doctor or taking shelter during a tornado watch. Such avoidant traits can cause both poor health and dangerous living as in the case of someone who will avoid accepting community shelter during a storm warning. Also, social phobia often results in depression, unhealthy alcohol and illicit…