How to Revise Text

Revise these sentences from the passive voice to the active voice.


Revise from Passive Voice to Active Voice

Do not use the - to be - verb. Is are was were. 

To revise to the active voice, revise it to make the object the actor of the verb.

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1. Society is produced by our wants, and government [is produced] by our wickedness. [Use the conjunction- and - to connect the two subject predicate pairs (Clauses).


Use these verbs with an actor:

to push

to open

to be able

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2. If the button is pushed, the door will be opened, and you will be allowed to enter the building.

Who elects the president? Answer the question in a complete sentence

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3. The president is elected by the people.

To learn is the active vioce for to be taught. If someone is taught to do something, then the person learns how to do it.

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4. The child was taught how to ride a bike.

Make the object of the preposition - by - the actor of the verb

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5. The rescued animals were released into the wild by the rescue team.