
After reading this week’s lessons and pondering their meaning, I feel I have a better understanding of why the monotheistic worldview would inspire such world chaos. After all, if there is only one true God for the whole wide world, then all those who do not believe in that one true God would be godless and in need of conversion, even if by the sword. The problem with that worldview, however, centers around the question as to who decides which God is the one True God.  Unfortunately for many, those with sharper swords and bigger bombs seem to think that their God is the one true God, and that their way of worshipping that one true God is the only way. Thus, all other customs and rituals are demonic and must be crushed.

There was a time in both the Old World and in New World alike when the people found moral superiority in the forces of Nature. Humans were a part of nature. How did we drift so far apart? We fail for the greatest scam of all history-the belief in the Man God. It is this belief in the God of Abraman, Issac, Jacob, Jesus, and Mohamad that has sparkeds so many wars throughtout history.  Since it does not matter whether you get your head chopped off by a Muslim sword or blown off by a Christian cruise missile, we should reconsider the cruel morality of monotheism if we ever hope to achieve world peace!