Theories Of Behavior: PSY/420 – Discussion Week 5

Discuss your answers to these questions with your classmates:

  • How can you use the principles and theories of behavior that you learned in this class to enhance your life?
  • How can you ensure that you are utilizing these principles and theories in your life?

I have always pondered the question: Why am I who I am, and how did I get this way? After taking this course, I have a deeper understanding of the thoughts and feelings that reinforced by behavior. I believe that such insight will help me practice self-reinforcement (Russell A. Powell, P. Lynne Honey and Diane G. Symbaluk, (2017)). However, in order to develop a plan of self-reinforcement, I first need to identify the target behavior I want to change. Then I need to decide on the reinforcer that will elicit the change in behavior.

I need to spend more time studying and working on a personal project. However, in order to do this, I need to stop wasting time, chasing click-bait on YouTube. So, the target behavior I want to change is watching YouTube videos that do not pertain to my intended goals.

My favorite pastime ever since I was a child is hiking and exploring nature. I live very close to the Colorado National Monument. By promising myself that if I waste less time watching YouTube, I could split that extra time between working on my studies and projects, and hiking and exploring the Monument. This is how I hope to utilize self-reinforcement to enhance my life.

Russell A. Powell, P. Lynne Honey and Diane G. Symbaluk, Introduction to Learning and Behavior, Fifth Edition, (2017)