Writing For Social Media: WRIT/350 -Discussion Week 5

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • What is a storyboard and how do you use one?
  • Is a storyboard useful for media that does not include images?

A storyboard is a visual guide that uses images and graphics to create a road map to follow while creating a video or graphic presentation. It is similar to an outline in that the guide can become a rough draft plan of operation. However, with a storyboard, you can visualize how a video will progress. Since videos contain other elements beyond a textual story, a specific plan of creating a video requires thought into the filming, the assets, actions, dialogue, and samara specifics.

Using a storyboard allows you to know which shots or graphic assets you will need to display and in which sequences those shots or graphics are developed. Another advantage to using a storyboard is to get an overall visual image that you can share for feedback before you film the video. A well-planned video will require less editing if the video follows the guide in the storyboard. By creating a visual image of the video in a storyboard before filming, you will have a better idea of what will be needed during the filming. For this reason, following a well-designed storyboard makes video creation less prone to errors that need editing or, worse, filming the video all over again.